Link feast

Link feast

Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:

The Disengagement of Morality
In this extract from his new book published at The Psychologist, Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura examines the widespread moral compromises in the gun industry.

The Debunkers Of A Gay Marriage Study Just Re-bunked It, Sort Of
A fraudulent study that found a brief conversation with a gay person can reduce gay prejudice has just been sort of replicated, this time in the context of attitudes towards transgender people.

SJ Watson: Art, Identity and The World's Most Famous Amnesiac
From Memento to Before I Go to Sleep, the case of Henry Molaison holds an enduring fascination for artists. SJ Watson, whose bestselling novel explored lost memory, asks Kerry Tribe about her video installation H.M. – and what we can learn from the world’s most famous amnesiac.

Winston Moseley, Who Killed Kitty Genovese, Dies in Prison at 81 [Read our post from 2007 on the truth about his crime]
Amazing details about the life of the murderer who inspired research into bystander apathy.

How Did Evil Evolve and Why Did It Persist?
'Evil' behaviours can be categorised into four basic groups – and they are far from being unique to our species.

The Measure of a Fog (video)
Why climate change is such a hard concept for the human mind to comprehend.

Critical Mental Health Has a Brain Problem
"To say mental health problems are ‘fundamentally’ social and psychological, immediately excludes people who either clearly have changes to the brain that even critical mental health advocates would accept as causal, or who feel that neurobiology is also a useful way of understanding their difficulties," argues Vaughan Bell at Mind Hacks.

The Very Real Pain of Imaginary Illnesses
How do you tell a patient that their paralysis, blindness, or seizures are “all in the mind”? As the doctor Suzanne O’Sullivan explains to BBC Future, our thoughts and feelings can move the body in mysterious ways that are just as frightening as any physical illness.

What Can Our Craziest Dreams Teach Us?
"During sleep the mind can be a remarkable engine of problem solving and emotional processing.”

Mind Matters
Nature editorial: Mental illness is moving up the global agenda — but there is still much to do.
Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links (if all you want today are Halloween-themed links, go here instead) How the Scariest Video Games Use Our Own Minds to Terrify Us (see also) A timely report from...

- Link Feast - Psychosis Special
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- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: Getting Over Procrastination Maria Konnikova with an overview of some fascinating genetic research. The End of ‘Genius’ "[T]he lone genius is a myth that has outlived its usefulness"...

- The Truth Behind The Story Of Kitty Genovese And The Bystander Effect
No doubt, you've all heard of the bystander effect and the real-life case of Kitty Genovese, murdered in front of 38 witnesses who did nothing to help. But now Rachel Manning, Mark Levine and colleagues say the Kitty Genovese crime didn’t happen...

- Biological Accounts Of Mental Illness May Dent Patients’ Hope And Increase Stigma
“Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders” - that's the bold proclamation made by The National Alliance on Mental Illness and many other campaign groups. No doubt, one intention of such proclamations is to reduce the stigma associated...

