Lexicographical Timeline

Lexicographical Timeline

Merriam-Webster has posted a nifty timeline of "Milestones in American lexicography—1806-2006", "From Noah Webster to Merriam-Webster".

Thanks to Gary Price's Resource Shelf ...

- What Your Favourite Harry Potter House Says About Your Personality
Harry Potter fans strongly self-identify with the different Houses within Hogwarts, the story’s magical school. Now new research shows that a fan’s preferred House tells us something about their personality. Laura Crysel and colleagues used an online...

- Things You Might Want To Know About People Who Believe In Pure Evil
Psychologists have devised two new scales for assessing people's belief in pure evil and pure good - characteristics they say have important links with broader attitudes towards altruism and the use of violence. Russell Webster and Donald Saucier...

- The Unsung Pioneers In The Study Of Prejudice
When did the scholarly study of prejudice begin? Most people cite Gordon Allport's seminal work 'The Nature of Prejudice' published in 1954, but according to Russell Webster and colleagues the first scholar to propose a working definition...

- Webster "superman" Brown: We Hardly Knew Ye
We adopted kittens Webster and Lucinda (not biological siblings, but fostered together) in August: he was about 4 months old and she was a month older. They were darling kittens and really got along well together. Sadly, Webster developed Feline Infectious...

- American Heritage: __scriptive Dictionary
Cute story in today's Times about the American Heritage Dictionary: is it prescriptive or descriptive? Read bits about its history, Webster's Third, and the Oxford American Dictionary. And find out about the panel who decides what's in & what's...

