Lecture 1 - Introduction

Lecture 1 - Introduction

Lecture 1

We get things started by outlining the course and watching "Secrets of the Mind".

- Lecture 4 - Neuroanatomy And The Development Of The Brain
Lecture 4 In this lecture, we begin to look at brain structures and their functions....

- "shell Shock"
From the British Psychological Society: A lecture from October 2014 by Prof. Edgar Jones on the topic, "Shell Shock: The First World War and the Origins of Psychological Medicine" Watch the lecture here.This is a very informative historical presentation...

- Obit: Dr. Rita Levi-montalcini
In The Guardian: Obituary In The New York Times: Obituary In The Economist: Obituary Her 1986 Nobel Lecture: Nobel Lecture...

- Chomsky To Speak In Support Of The Endangered Language Fund
Noam Chomsky is giving a lecture in New Haven on November 15th. This is a benefit lecture for the Endangered Language Fund, to raise money for the documentation and revitalization of nearly extinct languages. His talk is entitled "Why Are There So Many...

- More Rama!
Listen to V. S. Ramachandran’s lectures on the Emerging Mind from the BBC’s Reith Lecture series in 2003. The topics of his 5 lectures include Phantoms in the Brain; Synapses and the Self; The Artful Brain; Purple Numbers and Sharp Cheese; and Neuroscience...

