June is Aphasia Awareness Month

June is Aphasia Awareness Month

June is Aphasia Awareness Month. For the past twenty years or so, this month in North America has been dedicated to promoting a greater knowledge base among the general public as well as the non-CNS professional community about what aphasia is and about the different medical conditions that might result in aphasia.

If you are a clinician or researcher engaged in aphasia-related work of one type or another, this might be a good month to consider a public community talk, an in-service presentation, or a media piece about aphasia.

Here is a media piece I wrote back in 2003 during Aphasia Awareness Month: http://www.tmc.edu/tmcnews/06_01_03/page_24.html.

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Donepezil And Aphasia
Chen Y, Li YS, Wang ZY, Xu Q, Shi GW, & Lin Y. [The efficacy of donepezil for post-stroke aphasia: a pilot case control study.] Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi. 2010 Feb, 49(2), 115-118. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of donepezil for post-stroke aphasia....

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Aphasia And The Assessment Of Depression
Townend E, Brady M, McLaughlan K. A Systematic Evaluation of the Adaptation of Depression Diagnostic Methods for Stroke Survivors Who Have Aphasia. Stroke. 2007 Oct 11; [Epub ahead of print] From the NMAHP Research Unit, Buchannan House, Glasgow Caledonian...

- Abstract Of The Day: Aphasia
Hengst JA, Frame SR, Neuman-Stritzel T, & Gannaway R. Using others' words: Conversational use of reported speech by individuals with aphasia and their communication partners. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2005 Feb; 48(1): 137-156....

- Musing About The Sound Of Amygdala
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Amygdala: Word as Earworm By JAMES GORMAN The New York Times Published: January 11, 2005 My infatuation with the amygdala has led me to wonder where aphasia and amusia overlap, a subject that neurologists have been investigating...

- Abstract Of The Day: Neuropsychological Assessment
Sarno MT, Postman WA, Cho YS, Norman RG. Evolution of phonemic word fluency performance in post-stroke aphasia. Journal of Communication Disorders. 2005 Mar-Apr; 38(2): 83-107. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, School of Medicine, New York University,...

