Interesting CogSci Folks

Interesting CogSci Folks

Two quick notes:
  • Ginger Campbell, of the Brain Science Podcast recently interviewed Patricia Churchland on Neurophilosophy and other topics.  Read Ginger's show summary & download the show if you want to hear the whole thing:
Churchland is the author of Brain-wise : studies in neurophilosophy [] (c2002) and Neurophilosophy : toward a unified science of the mind-brain [] (c1986). She is currently on the faculty of the University of California at San Diego and she was a featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in 2008.
In this interview we talked about neurophilosophy, which is an approach to philosophy of mind that gives high priority to incorporating the empiric findings of neuroscience. We also talk about the evolving relationship between philosophy and neuroscience. Churchland shares her enthusiasm for how the discoveries of neuroscience are changing the way we see ourselves as human beings. We also talked a little about the issues of reductionism
  • Longtime readers of this blog may remember I wrote about Pat & Paul Churchland 2 years ago, summarizing an extensive New Yorker article about both of them.

  • If you'll be anywhere near Storrs, CT on Thursday, March 19, you might want to stop by the Dodd Center's Konover Auditorium to hear Marc Hauser (Professor of Psychology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, and Anthropology, Harvard University) speak at 4:00 p.m. His talk is entitled:  
 The Evolution of a Moral Grammar.  Marc Hauser is an expert on the evolution of animal communication, behavioral ecology, and the evolution of mind.  His work integrates animal behavior, cognitive neurosciences, anthropology, and philosophy.  He is the author of a number of influential books, including The Evolution of Communication [] (c1996) and Moral Minds: How Nature Designed our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong [] (c2006).  
  • Hauser was interviewed on Australia's radio programme All in the Mind in late 2006, which I summarized on this blog.

- 'the New Science Of Morality' - Edge Videos With Marc Hauser
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- Favorite Podcasts
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- Podcast / Interviews I've Enjoyed
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- Boston (cognitive Science) Ideas 2005
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