Interested in the Social or Developmental Psychology field? Then apply to be a Spring 2012 Research Assistant!

Interested in the Social or Developmental Psychology field? Then apply to be a Spring 2012 Research Assistant!

Department of Human Development

Gain Valuable Research Experience for Graduate School!
Become A Social Development
Research Assistant!

Research Assistant for Social Development Project
Spring 2012

Course credit:
EDHD 498 or PSYC 479 (3 credits = 10 hours per week)

Preferred Majors:
Human Development Minors, Psychology, Family Science, Criminology Majors!

Project Description:
Primary responsibilities of projects involve interviewing children, and/or administering surveys to adolescents. Research Assistants learn about the process of research, read literature in developmental psychology, meet with a research group once a week (with the supervising professor), and learn how to enter and analyze data from interviews and surveys! Projects involve moral and social development, social exclusion, peer relationships, mind theory, group dynamics, intergroup relations, prejudice, bias and stereotyping.

Faculty supervisor:
Professor Melanie Killen, Ph.D., Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

Contact information:
Shelby Cooley ([email protected]), Aline Hitti ([email protected]), or Kelly Lynn Mulvey ([email protected] ), graduate student project coordinators.

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