Interest in animal and human aggression? Consider PSYC 798L!

Interest in animal and human aggression? Consider PSYC 798L!

PSYC798L Graduate Seminar: The Biopsychology of Aggression; (3 credits)
Fall 2012

9:00am-11:30am (BPS 1112) 

Course description:
The primary goal of this seminar is to explore recent advances in the study of animal and human aggression. Topics for discussion the genetic contributions to aggression, the involvement of neuromodulators and hormones, the ontogeny of aggression and violence, and the psychophysiology of (primarily human) aggression.

This course can fulfill either a PSYC Honor's Seminar requirement or a Theme I Mind, Brain, and Behavior requirement.

Please contact the course instructor, Dr. Jens Herberholz at [email protected] to obtain permission to enroll in PSYC 789L.

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