In the Wide World: BASIC in Manchester, UK
BASIC: Brain and Spinal Injury Centrevisit website
With a shout out to Andy_G, who is on the plinth in Trafalgar Square right now wearing a BASIC shirt and is a part of the One & Other art event.
From the website:
"BASIC is a specialist resource for people and their families in crisis followinga traumatic brain injury or neurological diagnosis. This includes people recovering from severe head injury, brain haemorrhage, brain tumour and otherbrain-related conditions such as stroke and brain cancer."
Brain Injury Awareness Month
From the BIAA website: Brain Injury Awareness Month 2009 Did you know March is Brain Injury Awareness Month? It is and each March the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) and the BIA chartered state affiliates throughout the United States partner...
Upcoming Event: Tbi Conference (bristol, 21-22 Sept 2011)
From the conference webpage: Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT) Brain Injury Conference 2011 Inspiring learning and innovation in brain injury rehabilitation 21-22 September 2011, The Bristol Marriott Hotel, Old Market, Bristol "The 2011 conference...
In The Wide World: Houston, Texas
The website of Houston's TIRR rehabilitation center, lately in the news: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research From the homepage:"TIRR treats people with a range of disabilities from complex conditions like brain injury, stroke, spinal cord...
The Cost Of Neurological Diseases, Disorders, And Injuries
From the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Neurological conditions cost Canada nearly $9B a year: report Last Updated: Friday, June 22, 2007 | 5:02 PM ET CBC News Neurological conditions such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease cost Canada nearly...
Brain Injuries Still Mysterious, But Research Is Building
A recent story in the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that brain injury researchers are lifting the veil on brain injury and what they're seeing is already changing the response to brain injury in America, said Douglas Smith, MD, professor of neurosurgery,...