In The Weeklies

In The Weeklies

For those new to this area, there are a number of major medical and scientific journals that publish on a weekly basis. These journals include: Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Science, and Nature.

Here are some relevant highlights for the week:

British Medical Journal
11 September 2004

Parkinson’s disease figures prominently in this week’s BMJ, from the cover featuring Muhammad Ali to an editorial, a “patient’s journey” article, and a research paper by Ives and colleagues - Monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors in early Parkinson's disease: Meta-analysis of 17 randomised trials involving 3525 patients. The abstract for the Ives et al. paper concludes, “MAOBIs reduce disability, the need for levodopa, and the incidence of motor fluctuations, without substantial side effects or increased mortality. However, because few trials have compared MAOBIs with other antiparkinsonian drugs, uncertainty remains about the relative benefits and risks of MAOBIs. Further large, long term comparative trials that include patient rated quality of life measures are needed.”

New England Journal of Medicine
09 September 2004

One of the NEJM’s Images in Clinical Medicine deals with Marchiafava–Bignami Disease.

09 September 2004

Several scientific articles and letters are of note:

Neurobiology: Feeding the brain by C. Peppiatt & D. Attwell. In computationally active areas of the brain, the blood flow is increased to provide more energy to nerve cells. New data fuel the controversy over how this energy supply is regulated.

Recollection-like memory retrieval in rats is dependent on the hippocampus by N.J. Fortin and colleagues.

Restricted growth of Schwann cells lacking Cajal bands slows conduction in myelinated nerves by F.A. Court and colleagues.

- In The Weeklies: Alzheimer Disease Treatments
The 06 August 2005 issue of the British Medical Journal includes the full-text contents of this paper reviewing the pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer disease:Hanna Kaduszkiewicz, Thomas Zimmermann, Hans-Peter Beck-Bornholdt, & Hendrik van den Bussche....

- In The Weeklies
This week's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (09 December 2004) includes two research papers and one editorial comment on topics concerning Parkinson disease: Levodopa and the Progression of Parkinson's Disease by The Parkinson...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 10 November 2004 The current issue includes the paper: Kristine Yaffe et al. The Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammation,...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: New England Journal of Medicine 30 September 2004 The Images in Clinical Medicine section this week includes a piece about Communicating Hydrocephalus by...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 22/29 September 2004 There are several contributions this week examining dietary intake and physical exercise...

