In The Weeklies

In The Weeklies

Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies:

Journal of the American Medical Association
20 October 2004
This week’s JAMA has a number of contributions on the subject of the diagnosis and treatment of strokes.

New England Journal of Medicine
21 October 2004
This week’s issue contains a research paper and an editorial on the topic of Tuberculous meningitis: Abstract for Dexamethasone for the Treatment of Tuberculous Meningitis in Adolescents and Adults by Thwaites and colleagues and an extract of the editorial, Adjunctive Steroids for Tuberculous Meningitis - More Evidence, More Questions by Quagliarello.

23 October 2004
The current issue includes the paper, Interferon beta-1a for brain tissue loss in patients at presentation with syndromes suggestive of multiple sclerosis: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial by Filippi and colleagues.

22 October 2004
This week’s issue has a special topical theme, gene expression.

It includes the report, A Chromosome 21 Critical Region Does Not Cause Specific Down Syndrome Phenotypes, by L. E. Olson, J. T. Richtsmeier, J. Leszl, and R. H. Reeves (pp. 687-690) and a perspective, The Critical Region in Trisomy 21, by D. L. Nelson and R. A. Gibbs (pp. 619-621).

21 October 2004
This week’s Nature includes the letter, Neural correlates of mental rehearsal in dorsal premotor cortex, by P. Cisek and J. F. Kalaska, excerpted below:

"Behavioural and imaging studies suggest that when humans mentally rehearse a familiar action they execute some of the same neural operations used during overt motor performance. Similarly, neural activation is present during action observation in many of the same brain regions normally used for performance, including premotor cortex. Here we present behavioural evidence that monkeys also engage in mental rehearsal during the observation of sensory events associated with a well-learned motor task. Furthermore, most task-related neurons in dorsal premotor cortex exhibit the same activity patterns during observation as during performance, even during an instructed-delay period before any actual observed motion. This activity might be a single-neuron correlate of covert mental rehearsal."

- Mirror Neurons In Primary Motor Cortex?
The mirror neurons, it would seem, dissolve the barrier between self and others. I call them "empathy neurons" or "Dalai Llama neurons". -- MIRROR NEURONS AND THE BRAIN IN THE VAT by V.S. Ramachandran Everyone knows what mirror neurons are,...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: New England Journal of Medicine 28 October 2004 This week’s issue includes several papers of interest, two on the topic on bacterial meningitis and the...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: New England Journal of Medicine 30 September 2004 The Images in Clinical Medicine section this week includes a piece about Communicating Hydrocephalus by...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 22/29 September 2004 There are several contributions this week examining dietary intake and physical exercise...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from the new issues of the major medical and scientific weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 15 September 2004 JAMA’s contents this week include the report about dementia and the voter by Karlawish...

