In The Weeklies

In The Weeklies

In the weeklies:

The New England Journal of Medicine
26 May 2005
Includes a series of brain-related book reviews:
Neuroprotection: Models, Mechanisms and Therapies , Brain and Spinal Tumors of Childhood , Brain Tumors , and From Neuroscience to Neurology: Neuroscience, Molecular Medicine, and the Therapeutic Transformation of Neurology .

British Medical Journal
28 May 2005
Includes two brain-related book reviews: The Lobotomist and The 21st Century Brain.

26 May 2005
Jeremy M. Wolfe, Todd S. Horowitz, and Naomi M. Kenner. Cognitive psychology:  Rare items often missed in visual searches. Nature; 2005, 435: 439-440. [doi : 10.1038/435439a]
Our society relies on accurate performance in visual screening tasks — for example, to detect knives in luggage or tumours in mammograms. These are visual searches for rare targets. We show here that target rarity leads to disturbingly inaccurate performance in target detection: if observers do not find what they are looking for fairly frequently, they often fail to notice it when it does appear.
Article page
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

- In The Weeklies: Katrina And Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy (hie)
The new, 13 October 2005 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine includes a series of free full-content-downloard perspective pieces on the health-care experience of Hurricane Katrina. It also includes a research article and an editorial commentary...

- In The Weeklies: H5n1
Of potential interest to all, including the broad neuroscience medical and scientific communities: The 29 September 2005 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine includes the full-text content of a review paper about Avian ("Bird Flu") Influenza [H5N1]....

- In The Weeklies: Cerebrovascular Events (cvas)
The 20 August 2005 issue of the British Medical Journal includes the following papers, in full-text format: Charles D A Wolfe, Nigel C Smeeton, Catherine Coshall, Kate Tilling, & Anthony G Rudd. Survival differences after stroke in a multiethnic population:...

- Well Worth Reading: Dr. Michael Gazzaniga On Split-brain Research
The new August 2005 issue of Nature Reviews Neuroscience includes an essay by Dr. Michael Gazzaniga about split-brain research. The article is not available in full text online, but worth getting a copy of for a good read! Here is the abstract:Michael S. Gazzaniga....

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 10 November 2004 The current issue includes the paper: Kristine Yaffe et al. The Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammation,...

