I'm a C-List Blogger!
Darn! I was hoping to be on the D-List, along with Kathy Griffin.
Kathy with Clay Aiken at the 2004 American Music AwardsThe Middle Authority Group [C-List Bloggers] (10-99 blogs linking in the last 6 months) This contrasts somewhat with the second group, which enjoys an average age not much older than the first at 260 days and which posts 50% more frequently than the first. There is a clear correlation between posting volume and Technorati authority ranking.Are You an A-List Bloglebrity?
hat tip to Retrospectacle
The Blogularity
Technorati released a blogosphere status report and after reading that it's "60 times bigger than it was only 3 years ago" and other factoids I looked at an accompanying chart and it struck me - there's surely going be a blog singularity. See...
A Thinking Blogger?
While we're on the topic of being a snarky cranky critic... ...Shelley at Retrospectacle has kindly nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award!1. Not much is known about the author of The Neurocritic blog, but he's funny, snarky, and blogs neuro-stuff...
Library Systems Too Complex!
Argh. A few months ago, I started the Libraries for My Friends blog, in which I try to help my friends use their local library. I'd send this to some non-library friends, and one of them just asked if I could help her brother find audio books in...
Near To My Heart ... But Not Technically Cog Sci Or Librarian
... is Entertainment Weekly's list of the 25 Best Music Websites. The CogSci Librarian likes music quite a bit, and this list includes some old favorites and possibly some new ones. To wit: iTunes Music Store quoting EW "well, duh." EMusic $9.99 a...
We've Been Nominated!
The team at ResearchBlogging.Org and Seed Media Group are honouring the best bloggers who discuss peer-reviewed research in the first Research Blogging Awards. Over 400 nominations were made, and an expert panel of judges have whittled them down to 5-10...