Human Functional Brain Imaging
The Wellcome Trust has just made available an overview of the work it has supported in the area of functional brain imaging.
Portfollo Review: Human Functional Brain Imaging 1990-200906 September 2011
(A review of research supported by The Wellcome Trust)
Report in .pdf
Press release
The Neuron
A quick overview sheet presented by the Wellcome Trust Blog: pdf sheet...
Tractometry And The Psychology Dept At Cardiff University
A new word (for me, at least) for a new discipline of study in neuropsychology and neuroscience. Best wishes, Prof. Jones! Investigating the brain’s white matter Cardiff University News Centre 07 November 2011 [snippet] "Pioneering brain research at...
Science Communication Conference 2012
Science Communication Conference 2012 Wellcome Trust Blog 31 October 2011 by Mun-Keat Looi [snippet] "The British Science Association, in partnership with the Wellcome Trust, have opened a call for proposals to run sessions at the 2012 Science Communication...
Today's Reading: Structural Mri
The current issue of the journal, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, contains an excellent review of the state of contemporary structural uses of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Here is the reference and abstract for this recommended...
Trust = Love?
An article in a recent issue of Science suggests that the emotion of trust "lives" near the emotion of love in the brain. Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine Human Neuroimaging Laboratoryused fMRI imaging and an investment game to pinpoint a...