Horn-tooting time ...

Horn-tooting time ...

So I gave my presentation on Emerging Technologies to the Capital District Library Council on Monday. It was entitled "Crossing the Chasm" and offered a brief introduction to many tech trends -n- buzzwords that librarians hear about but may not know how to apply to library-land. We talked about podcasts, blogs, wikis, and more -- both in general & as they apply to libraries. You can see the presentation wiki at pbwiki, or download the pdf presentation.

Thanks to all who attended & gave me some great ideas!

- Social Networking Sites From Nasig
This list of social networking sites comes from an article I'm co-writing with David Lee King, based on the presentation he gave at NASIG 2008 on Emerging Trends, 2.0, & Libraries. David referred to lots of cool sites which highlighted his point...

- Using Social Software In Libraries
Just heard a great talk by Meredith Farkas called Building Academic Library 2.0. Meredith did a terrific job of talking about technology in a way that tech librarians would appreciate and that non-techies would understand. The talk was presented to academic...

- Simmons Gslis Podcasts
Simmons Graduate School of Library & Information Science is now podcasting some of their events -- yay! Called GSLIScast, these podcasts present talks given from November 2006 to present, and include some interesting names in the field: - UMass librarian...

- Sirsidynix Institutes Are Podcasting!
Check out SirsiDynix's podcasts! I've posted about their Instutites before -- they cover topics like wikis for librarians, customer service, and the one I saw, on electronic resource managers. They feature well-known names in library-land talking...

- Site Of The Week
In the "tooting our own horn" department, comes the Hampshire Library's Site of the Week. The sites are not necessarily related to Cognitive Science, but definitely interesting -- and are chosen weekly by Hampshire librarians. Take a look at the past...

