Global Terrorism Internship

Global Terrorism Internship


The Global Terrorism Database 
The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open source, unclassified database including information on terrorist events around the world since 1970 (currently updated through 2008). The database is maintained by researchers at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence. Unlike many other event databases, the GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes over 80,000 cases. 

The Internship 
We are currently seeking graduate students and exceptional undergraduate students with an interest in terrorism research and public policy for a number of projects. These projects include the use of improvised explosive devices (IED) in terrorist incidents, geo-spatial patterns and terrorism, situational determinants of maritime security, terrorism in India, terrorist organization data collection, and historic and contemporary terrorism data verification. In addition to the BSOS credits received, there are several advantages to be gained from this internship experience including acquiring knowledge regarding the problem of terrorism and the nature of global terrorist violence, working with students and faculty who specialize in the study of terrorism, and directly participating in research that is having a policy impact. Interns will also experience what it is like to be a member of a large, multi-year social science research project through working with a team of homeland security practitioners and researchers in a supportive working environment. GTD internships will also be relevant for those planning graduate school applications in related social and behavioral science fields or anyone interested in gaining employment in the United States homeland security, defense, law enforcement or intelligence communities. 

In addition to the qualifications regarding specific projects, applicants should be self-motivated and responsible; any regional expertise, language skills, or prior research experience would be a definite asset. Applicants must also have a minimum of 60 university credits, a record of academic achievement, a strong interest in research, and be willing to sign up for the BSOS internship program if part of the fall cohort. Upon selection, interns will be required to attend relevant training and biweekly meetings (every other Monday 1:30-3pm), to commit 10 (fall) or 20 (summer) hours a week of their time to projects, and to communicate frequently with their assigned project manager. 

How to Apply 
To apply, please send a copy of your resume and unofficial transcripts as well as a cover letter outlining why you would like to work on the Global Terrorism Database, what particular project(s) you are interested in, and what qualifications you hold specific to these particular project(s) to Michael Distler at [email protected] or to the address below. For priority consideration, please submit these application materials by Monday, April 25th. Please see for more information on project 

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