Ghana launches its first ever mental health journal

Ghana launches its first ever mental health journal

When BPS member, Chartered Clinical Psychologist Dr Adam Danquah went to work in Ghana, one of the things he did there was help found the country's first ever journal devoted to mental health - The Ghana International Journal of Mental Health. The inaugural issue has just been published and the journal's website has gone live.

There are only five psychiatrists in Ghana, a country of 22 million citizens, and there are no clinical psychologists working in public health. Research output in the area of mental health is also extremely limited. 'It is in this light that the birth of this journal gladdens our hearts and adds to the indicators of a new day in the life of mental health care and research in Ghana and elsewhere in Africa,' writes Dr Akwasi Osei in a commentary for the new journal.

Authors instructions appear on the new site. To subscribe, email [email protected] or write to C. Charles Mate-Kole, Editor-In-Chief, Ghana International Journal of Mental Health, Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, P. O. Box LG 84, Legon, Ghana. Ghana International Journal of Mental Health (ISSN) is published bi-annually – in April and November.

Link to Ghana International Journal of Mental Health.
Link to Dr Adam Danquah's account of his time working in Ghana, published in The Psychologist (scroll down to view or open the PDF).

Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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