Functional Brain Mapping
The current issue of the journal
Human Brain Mapping is a special-topic issue:
Special Issue: Meta-Analysis in Functional Brain Mapping . Issue Edited by Peter T. Fox, Angela R. Laird, and Jack L. Lancaster.
Human Brain Mapping, Volume 25, Issue 1 (May 2005).
Here is the Table of Contents.
Nature People
Neuroscientist: my data published without authorization are 'misleading' On the heels of the open access debate instigated by Declan Butler's recent article in Nature, and after the canonization of St. Logothetis by a number of neurobloggers...
Collaborative Digital Brain Mapping Comes Of Age
Google Maps and related geomapping services provide high-resolution satellite maps to anyone with an internet connection and have set the standard for online digital mapping. We are now beginning to witness similar digital mapping technologies spilling...
Upcoming Event: Toronto, 12-16 June 2005
The 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 12-16 June 2005. For more information, please see the organization's conference website....
The Brain, Lately
I've seen some neat stuff about the brain lately, and since I'm swamped with mid-semester craziness, plus mid-move tasks, I thought I'd just link to the stuff I've seen:Today's New York Times reports on research showing ways memory...
Neuroscience Links Online
I'm just getting around to reading the Spring 2006 issue of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship and especially enjoyed the article called Mapping the Brain: Resources for Researchers in Neuroscience by Victoria Shelton, George Mason University....