Four chances to win a free BPS-approved psychology textbook!
THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED AND THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN CONTACTED. Thanks for all your lovely comments!We've got two copies of
An Introduction to Developmental Psychology (edited by Alan Slater and Gavin Bremner) and two copies of
Applied Psychology (edited by Graham Davey) to give away, kindly donated by Wiley-Blackwell.
How to enterTo have a chance to win, please say why you like the BPS Research Digest: either in a Tweet (mention @researchdigest) or by using the comments function beneath this post. Include the initials DP or AP in your comment, so we know which book you'd prefer, should you win. Also, if you use the comments function here, make sure you leave a way for us to contact you. Next Friday 4 Nov, we'll pick four different entries (two people from Twitter and two from here) at random as the winners. Good luck!
Win A Bps-approved Textbook On Language Development
This competition is now closed and the two winners have been contacted. The correct answer was 1978 (the paradigm was first presented in 75, but first published in a journal article in 78). We've got two copies of Language Development to give away,...
Win A Bps-approved Textbook On Forensic Psychology
12/3/12 update: this competition is now closed and the winners have been contacted. We've got two copies of the just-released "Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions 2nd edition", edited by Graham Davies and Anthony Beech, to...
Two Chances To Win The Psychology Book From Dk
This competition is now closed and the winners have been contacted. The correct answer was James Cattell. We've got two copies of The Psychology Book from Dorling Kindersley to give away, kindly donated to us by the publisher (look out...
Win A Bps-approved Textbook On Evolutionary Psychology
This competition is now closed. The answer was Herbert Spencer. We've got two copies of Evolutionary Psychology: A Critical Introduction by Dr Viren Swami to give away, kindly donated to us by Wiley-Blackwell. For your chance...
Two Chances To Win The Bps-approved Psychopathology Textbook By Graham Davey
update 23 Jan: This competition is now closed. update 12 Jan 2012 12.15 hrs: We still don't have our second winner! OK - simply RT the Digest's Twitter message about this competition today and I'll pick a winner at random at the end of the...