

Our round-up of the latest juicy tit-bits in the world of psychology:

In the New York Times, The Gopnik siblings Alison (a psychologist) and Adam (a writer) discuss a new book on siblings - "The Sibling Effect" by Jeffrey Kluger. It's a wonderful discussion that ends up weighing the value of psychological research versus literature in the search for self-understanding.

Meet the Brain Donors ... a new Welcome Trust exhibition that examines the lives of brain donors and reveals what happens in brain banks.

BBC magazine article on the use of mental health labels as jokey insults.

The LSE has had some great public lectures recently, which you can listen to online, including: Katalin Farkas on how technology is extending our minds; Ben Rogers and Roger Scruton on whether architecture can promote well-being; and Robert Trivers on self-deception.

Two new TED talks worth watching: Alison Gopnik on babies, and Richard Seymour on beauty.

Psychologist and stats whiz Andy Field with an irreverent look at the top-five stats mistakes made by scientists.

It's time to rethink the way we educate people about alcohol, says anthropologist Kate Fox, because at the moment we're just reinforcing the false belief that being drunk necessarily leads to violence and aggression. "The effects of alcohol on behaviour are determined by cultural rules and norms, not by the chemical actions of ethanol," she says.

Brace yourselves for a feast of mind and brain radio shows on BBC Radio 4 next month.

New digital version of the American Psychological Association's Monitor mag.

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett for the BPS Research Digest.

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