

Tuck into our latest round-up of the best psych and neuro links:

The new July issue of The Psychologist magazine has an open-access article on the psychology of competition - the benefits and costs of pressure for competitors, and how the Olympics will affect you. You can also read this article and much more in a free digital preview of the July issue.

BBC Radio 3 broadcast a superb documentary on crowd psychology, featuring social psychologists Prof Steve Reicher, John Dury and others (you can listen again on iPlayer or download the podcast).

The Guardian had a fascinating article on how finger counting varies around the world.

Get down to Brighton (England) on Saturday if you're interested in consciousness. The city is hosting a free consciousness expo.

How Pirlo gave England a lesson in the omission bias.

10 myths about introverts.

A Dutch social psychologist has been found guilty of scientific misconduct - Science Insider has the details. It follows a case of scientific fraud by a social psychologist that was uncovered last year.

How can work be addictive? From our sister blog - the Occupational Digest.

Why the left-brain, right-brain myth will probably never die.

The EU launched a controversial campaign Science - it's a Girl Thing. Many people found it patronising and insulting. The Research Digest covered a pertinent study recently - How "Girlie" Science Role Models Could Do More Harm Than Good.

Do you ever feel vibrations in your mobile (cell) phone, only to discover that you'd imagined it?

How the brain views race ... Mo Costandi interviewed the influential NewYork psychologist Professor Elizabeth Phelps.

BBC Radio 4 broadcast a programme on The Uncanny - how the odd familiar can be so much scarier than the exotic and dramatic.

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett for the BPS Research Digest.

- Feast
Tuck into our round-up of the latest psych and neuro news: All week, Channel 4 broadcast programmes aimed at combating the stigma of mental illness, as part of their 4 Goes Mad Season - available to watch again on 4oD.  Esteemed psychologist George...

- Feast
Tuck into our round-up of the latest psych and neuro news: In the wake of the recent social psychology scandals (see earlier Feasts), UK psychologist Chris Chambers offered a 12-step plan for improving practices in psychology research. The technique...

- Feast
Tuck into our latest round-up of the best psych and neuro links: With Britain engulfed in another banking scandal, Ian Leslie for the Guardian blamed excess testosterone, whilst Ian Robertson explained the effects of bankers having too much power and...

- Feast
Tuck into our latest round-up of the best psych and neuro links. New brains exhibition (free entry) at London's Wellcome Collection "Brains: The Mind as Matter" has now opened. Includes samples from Albert Einstein's brain. There's a new pictorial...

- Feast
Our round-up of the latest juicy titbits in the world of psychology: All week long BBC Radio 3 has been running a series of programmes "The Darkest Hour" on insomnia. The latest issue of the American Psychological Association's monthly mag, Monitor,...

