

Do teenage friends share similar body image and eating problems?

The Capgras Delusion: Clues from patients' eye-movements.

The effect of situational context on how manly men feel.

Watching more TV linked to higher material aspirations and anxiety.

- The Man Who Saw A Stranger In The Mirror
The man was diagnosed with Capgras syndromeMirrors easily call forth the uncanny: the vampire that casts no reflection; the figure who seems to appear in your periphery. Overtired or in an odd mood, I sometimes find myself scrutinising my own reflection,...

- Who Replaced All My Things?
Capgras syndrome – in which the patient believes their friends and relatives have been replaced by impersonators – was first described in 1923 by the French psychiatrist J.M.J. Capgras in a paper with J. Reboul-Lachaux. Now Alireza Nejad and Khatereh...

- Body Image - It's 'healthy' People Who Are Deluded
We’re all going to die and there’s nothing we can do about it. Depressing? Well, it’s been argued that depressed people are the sane ones because they see the world for how it really is. Now consider this – a study has found people with eating...

- How We Infer Other People's Expectations
A growing body of evidence suggests that we understand other people’s actions and intentions by simulating their movements in the motor pathways of our own brain. Now a study suggests that peripheral sensation and proprioception – the sense of where...

- Active Minds - Meeting Today
Come to our meeting this week as we promote positive body image among college students by decorating sticky notes that will be used for our Eating Disorder Awareness Event. Thursday, October 20th at 7 pmThurgood Marshall Room, Stamp Friday 10/21 - Eating...

