Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
Inhalation of carbon dioxide triggers panic attacks in healthy participants who don't suffer from panic disorder.
GPs are reluctant to discuss the issue of their patients being overweight.
How attention to topics rises and fades on the social-networking site Digg.
Associations between first-year students' experience of homesickness and the parenting style of their parents.
Spontaneous Panic Attack Caught On Brain Imaging Scan
Researchers from Germany, Scotland and Switzerland have notched up a brain imaging first by capturing a participant in the full throes of a spontaneous panic attack, whilst also having a concurrent recording of her heart rate. Kai Spiegelhalder and colleagues...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Wooah ... how babies learn to walk down slopes. They may have come in for some recent criticism regarding their carbon pawprints, but elsewhere yet another previously untapped canine skill has...
Biological Accounts Of Mental Illness May Dent Patients’ Hope And Increase Stigma
“Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders” - that's the bold proclamation made by The National Alliance on Mental Illness and many other campaign groups. No doubt, one intention of such proclamations is to reduce the stigma associated...
Are You Tuned Into Your Heartbeat?
You’ve probably been there – waiting for an interview, palms sweaty, heartbeat pounding… or perhaps not, maybe you don’t tend to hear your heartbeat. It’s increasingly being recognised that people differ in how much attention they pay to their...
Will You Digg This Pnas Article On Digg?
Digg Probably not. And even if you did, the collective Digg audience will forget about it in 69 minutes. To study the dynamics of collective attention and its relation to novel inputs in a natural setting, we analyzed the behavioral patterns of 1 million...