Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
People think their hands are shorter and fatter than they really are.
People don't Tweet to combat social exclusion but rather to counter existential angst [pdf] via @vaughanbell
The backgrounds and characteristics of arsonists.
'These results provide, to our knowledge, the first direct evidence that both men and women can accurately assess men's physical strength from the voice'. Quite how remains unknown. According to New Scientist - estimates of strength weren't linked to timbre or pitch of voice.
More evidence that repeated checking, as exhibited by people with obsessive compulsive disorder, backfires, leading to less confidence in one's memory (but same does not apply for attention or perception). Also see earlier.
Recall of worst moments of ordeal by patients with PTSD are characterized by 'more unfinished thoughts, more use of the present tense and lower levels of cognitive processing.'
Consistency in personality from toddlerhood to middle childhood.
No surprises here: high scorers on neuroticism are more likely to grind their teeth (which is called bruxism, by the way).
The reaction of elite lacrosse players to losing.
Musicians display superior auditory working memory performance, probably because of enhanced cognitive control.
Want To Feel More Powerful? Do A Barry White Impression
As a rule, big beasts tend to make deep noises, whereas little creatures squeak. Perhaps it's little wonder then that we tend to rate human speakers with deeper voices as seeming more powerful. Another finding is that if you put a person in a position...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Voodoo correlations are everywhere, not just in neuroscience. [Background]. More stats controversy. "There are four major problems with using p as a measure of evidence and these problems are often...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Women in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle prefer bigger pupils - the kind found in eyes, not schools. Belief in an essentialist ("ethnic") definition of nationality is linked with negative...
Children With Tourette's Show Superior Grammatical Ability
Children with Tourette's syndrome, the motor disorder characterised by involuntary tics, are more skilled than healthy control children at processing certain forms of grammar. That's according to Matthew Walenski at the Brain and Behaviour Lab...
The Childhood We Have Can Affect Our Risk Of Developing Ptsd Later In Life
Why does a life-threatening experience lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in some people but not others? According to Karestan Koenen and colleagues, at least part of the answer lies in the kind of childhood they had. The researchers have assessed...