Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
A new look at why women opt out of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers.
What explains the appeal of Oscar-nominated movies? 'Younger opposite-gender leading stars, older directors, and unfamiliar temporal settings contribute to favorable evaluations' of these films,' a new study finds, '...thereby supporting the hypotheses of romantic attraction as a source of star power; reverence toward more mature directors; and an eagerness to escape from ordinary life, respectively'.
Arguments against Chomsky's Universal Grammar - 'language has been shaped to fit the brain, a process of cultural evolution,' the authors say.
Men with a stronger hand grip are more thrill-seeking.
Inter-brain synchronization during social interaction.
How women's mate preferences vary according to context.
More evidence that memory impairment can interfere with thinking about the future, this time in the case of developmental amnesia.
Clients' reasons for terminating therapy.
Advice for mental health professionals on how to make ethical treatment decisions.
You've heard of the 'extreme male brain' theory of autism, what about psychosis as the manifestation of an 'extreme female brain'?
How does the experience of space flight alter astronauts' value systems?
Are Eating Disorders The Manifestation Of An "extreme Female Brain"?
According to an influential and controversial theory, autism is the manifestation of an "Extreme Male Brain". The reasoning goes something like this - the condition is far more prevalent in males than females; people with autism think in a distinctive...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents: a critical review of the evidence base. [open access] Why men and women dehumanize sexually objectified women. "According to our findings,...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Tipping estimate/guidance on a restaurant bill increases diners' generosity. Pain helps assuage feelings of guilt. How workers compensate for windowless offices. Marriages are more satisfying...
Relationships Between Language & Culture?!
Apparently it's still linguistics week here at the CogSciLibrarian corral. In catching up on my New Yorker reading, I came across a recent New Yorker article about the Brazilian hunter-gatherer tribe called the Pirahã (pronounced pee-da-HAN). John...
Progress On Hiring Women Science Faculty Members Stalls At Mit
Bummer. Science magazine reports that "[t]he number of women faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge has declined or remained flat in five of its six science departments since 2000, whereas the number of women in...