

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

A replication of the finding that positive psychology exercises boost happiness.

The first documented case of congenital amusia in childhood.

The idea of the "hot-hand" in sports is that after hitting the target twice or more, a player is more likely to hit their target again. Previous studies, many conducted in the context of basketball, have suggested that there's no such phenomenon, but a new paper says that the hot hand exists in volleyball: "coaches and playmakers are able to detect it, and playmakers tend to use it 'adaptively,' which results in more hits for a team."

We have a bias for fearing high-speed threats, even if their chance of happening is low.

How the brain "talks over" boring quotes.

Some so-called "dark-side" personality traits are associated with work success.

A study into students' tendency to mind-wander and links with academic success and working memory.

When Prisoners Take Over the Prison, A Social Psychology of Resistance.

Useful review paper: "Training the brain: Fact and fad in cognitive and behavioural remediation".

When do people actually prefer to have lower status?

Testing the limits of the rubber hand illusion.

It's a phrase that's used a lot in psychology, but what exactly is "theory of mind"?


Post compiled by Christian Jarrett for the BPS Research Digest.

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Danish study: 95-year-olds tested in 2010 had better cognitive functioning than 93-yr-olds tested a decade earlier. Control groups in psychology don't take full account of the placebo effect....

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: The pursuit of happiness can be lonely. Working memory training does not improve intelligence in healthy young adults. The anti-Mozart effect? Fast and loud background music [by Mozart] disrupts...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Cultural differences in athlete attributions for success and failure: The sports pages revisited. "Jointly, the two studies show an overlap in the content of convicted rapists’ talk and the contents...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: What do we mean when we say a public figure has integrity? Ageing associated with a deficit in recognising hand gestures (even when other cognition remains intact). What clinical psychologists...

- How Being Happy Can Bring Success
You could fill a library with all the research showing an association between happiness and success – no surprise there, why wouldn’t success lead people to be more happy? But after conducting a comprehensive review of 225 studies, collectively involving...

