10 eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
Competitors in the Ultimate Fighting Championship who wear red trunks are no more likely to win than those wearing other-coloured trunks - contradicts past research suggesting a winning "red effect". (background story)
It Pays to Be Herr Kaiser: Germans With Noble-Sounding Surnames More Often Work as Managers Than as Employees
Fooled by the brain: Re-examining the influence of neuroimages (background story)
Detecting awareness after brain injury - new review paper (pdf)
People who defy stereotypes are liked more when described with adjectives (e.g. "sensitive man") rather than in terms of their behaviour (e.g. "the man cries").
Failure to replicate evidence for a genetic test for autism (news report on the finding from Ed Yong)
Examining the Possible Functions of Kissing in Romantic Relationships
"the first systematic survey of the magnitude of erotic sensations from various body parts"
A failure to replicate the finding that secrets leave us feeling physically encumbered (pdf). We covered the original finding on the Digest: Secrets leave us physically encumbered.
A successful replication of Robert Cialdini's hotel towel re-use study - i.e. the finding that hotel guests are more likely to reuse their towels if they're told about how many other people do so, rather than given the usual environmental message.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: A Decade of Delights Ten years ago I launched the Research Digest blog and on Wednesday in London we held a party to celebrate (also check out BPS President Professor...
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Autistic Traits Aren’t Linked To Brain Anatomy? Neuroskeptic (a previous Digest guest blogger) looks at a new study that failed to find correlations in healthy people between...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: People dream about approaching things more than they dream about running away from them. When getting angry is smart: Emotional preferences and emotional intelligence. Towards the “Baby Connectome”:...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Evidence against two claims about mirror neurons. Another Milgram replication, this time in an 'immersive video environment'. Incidental tactile sensations affect our social judgments -...
Psychology's Real Replication Problem: Our Methods Sections
Replication has been a big topic in psychology recently as a) we've suddenly realised we need more of it and b) because there have recently been several high profile replication efforts published (e.g the Many Labs effort; see Ed Yong's summary)....