Encephalon #64
The 64th edition of Encephalon - the neuroscience and psychology blog carnival - is now online and hosted by The Neurocritic. Head on over there to check out the contributions!
Encephalon 29 is now up at Memories of a Postgrad. I'll be hosting the next edition of the neuroscience blog carnival on August 27. Send your links to encephalon dot host |at| gmail dot com or use the submission form to be a part of it. Further...
The Prize Winning Encephalon Of Urbana-champaign, Illinois
Better late than never, Of Two Minds hosts Encephalon.... the late prize winning February edition. Watch as Steve becomes obsessed with money, blows some lines of sugar, and throws like a girl, then turns to serotonin, brain doping, and dysfunctional...
Call For Submissions: Encephalon 46
The Neurocritic will host Encephalon #46 on May 26. Please send your submissions to, --at-- gmail --dot-- com by May 25. Thanks! SharpBrains has more information on the Encephalon Blog Carnival....
The Last Of The Synapses
The Synapse #13 neuroblog carnival is hosted this week at neurocontrarian. This will be the last edition of The Synapse, because it will merge with Encephalon. So submit your exciting new posts to Neurotopia v2.0 before 18th December, 2006....
Call For Submissions: Encephalon 4
The Neurocritic will host Encephalon 4 on August 14. Please send your submissions to, --at-- gmail --dot-- com by August 13. Thanks! In the meantime, enjoy reading The Synapse vol 1, issue 4....