en vacances
Going to Montreal! Woo hoo!!
Then to Knoxville for the Ex Libris Users Group. Hmmm.
Anyway, probably no new posts until mid-June.
Happy trails!
More On Dr. Brenda Milner's Newest Award
Pearl Meister Greengard Prize website From the Montreal Gazette: Montreal scientist wins Pearl Meister Greengard Prize Montreal Gazette November 3, 2011 "Neuropsychologist Dr. Brenda Milner was presented the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize at an award...
Data Collection Via Iphone
Bits: If You’re Happy and You Know It, Tell Your Phone By Jenna Wortham Published: July 29, 2009 A Harvard graduate student is surveying iPhone users to help answer an age-old question: What makes people happy? click here to read...
Chatting As A Girl ...
... can be scary. APM's Future Tense reports that chat rooms can be hostile to girls. In some ways this isn't a surprise, but the magnitude of the hostility is striking. "A study by the University of Maryland's School of Engineering finds...
Sfx Comes To Uconn
[brag on]: My counterpart Nicholas and I implemented SFX at UConn in 3 weeks! Big accomplishment for us, and huge improvement for the university. You can see a bit of what we’ve done. What you won’t see: complaints from colleagues or users because...
Link Your Address Book To Google Maps
This is a tip specifically for Mac users, but it's got interesting implications beyond the Mac universe. "This AppleScript will add a 'Google Map Of' option to the Address contextual menu in the Address Book application. It will open Firefox...