en vacances

en vacances

Going to Montreal! Woo hoo!!

Then to Knoxville for the Ex Libris Users Group. Hmmm.

Anyway, probably no new posts until mid-June.

Happy trails!

- More On Dr. Brenda Milner's Newest Award
Pearl Meister Greengard Prize website From the Montreal Gazette: Montreal scientist wins Pearl Meister Greengard Prize Montreal Gazette November 3, 2011 "Neuropsychologist Dr. Brenda Milner was presented the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize at an award...

- Data Collection Via Iphone
Bits: If You’re Happy and You Know It, Tell Your Phone By Jenna Wortham Published: July 29, 2009 A Harvard graduate student is surveying iPhone users to help answer an age-old question: What makes people happy? click here to read...

- Chatting As A Girl ...
... can be scary. APM's Future Tense reports that chat rooms can be hostile to girls. In some ways this isn't a surprise, but the magnitude of the hostility is striking. "A study by the University of Maryland's School of Engineering finds...

- Sfx Comes To Uconn
[brag on]: My counterpart Nicholas and I implemented SFX at UConn in 3 weeks! Big accomplishment for us, and huge improvement for the university. You can see a bit of what we’ve done. What you won’t see: complaints from colleagues or users because...

- Link Your Address Book To Google Maps
This is a tip specifically for Mac users, but it's got interesting implications beyond the Mac universe. "This AppleScript will add a 'Google Map Of' option to the Address contextual menu in the Address Book application. It will open Firefox...

