For when you've had enough of journal articles:"Schizophrenia may not cause one's death, but it does take one's life".
Alexander Linklater on coma-induced paradise, split personalities and the case of the woman who kept falling over.
Fathers who kill their children.
Jonny Wilkinson's mind.
Adopting can be psychologically gruelling.
The pressures faced by retired athletes.
We Were Promised Jetpacks! …
… and sofas you could hose down! It’s always entertaining to consider our future thinking of yesteryear with 20:20 hindsight. So as we await our ‘guest hosts’ who are going to usher in our own new era, we thought we would peer back into the archives...
Teenage Delinquency And Absent Fathers
Following a spate of gang shootings in London last month, in which three teenagers were killed, opposition leader David Cameron claimed part of the blame lay with family breakdown, particularly absent fathers. Now a breaking study from America appears...
It's Thanks To Dad That Girls Are More Cautious Than Boys
Part of the reason boys tear around recklessly having more accidents while girls are more cautious is no doubt due to their biological differences. But it could also have to do with parents treating young boys and girls differently. Now Lisa Hagan and...
The Misrepresentation Of Coma In Films
The unrealistic portrayal of coma in films could be misleading the general public at a time when society has been so bitterly divided by the ethical issues raised by high-profile cases like that of Terri Schiavo. She died last year after her feeding tube...
The following New England Journal of Medicine case study in the current issue of the journal is available for full-text access [Link]: Ropper, A.H., and Gorson, K.C. (2007). Concussion. New England Journal of Medicine, 356, 166-172. A 64-year-old...