

For when you've had enough of journal articles:

Can flies think? And Do flies have free-will?

Against the medicalisation of psychosis.

But Do we really need so many psychotherapists?

Either way, Happy birthday Prozac!

The truth about lying and laughing. And A quirky look at our quirky species. Psychologist Richard Wiseman promotes his new book.

Forensic psychologist Katherine Ramsland discusses the 'CSI effect' (podcast).

Too hot to handle, all about blushing.

Besides giving us our genes, our parents don't shape who we are. But see also.

How to make your mind up (podcast).

Headaches have themselves (is it time to give up the distinction between the experience and the experiencer?)- Jerry Fodor reviews Consciousness and Its Place in Nature: Does Physicalism Entail Panpsychism?

- Elsewhere
For when you've had enough of journal articles: Britain has become the true Prozac Nation, claims Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg. From New York magazine: Kids lie all the time - they've learned how to from their parents. A recent episode of Horizon...

- The Trouble With Tephritidae
A True Fruit Fly - Tephritidae (via Myrmecos Blog) Bjoern Brembs has written extensively about the latest anti-science commentary by VP candidate Sarah Palin, who said... Where does a lot of that earmark money end up anyway? […] You've heard about...

- Schizophrenia
The BBC Newspod podcast of the 1st of November discusses schizophrenia a hundred years on.It occurs in the final four minutes of the podcast, available from the BBC website and from iTunes as a free download....

- Christof Koch Now
["... Now" is a short post of cog sci topics in the news] Ginger Campbell over at the Brain Science Podcast recently interviewed Christof Koch. It’s a fascinating discussion -- almost a lecture by Koch -- on the nature of consciousness. Koch kept things...

- Evo Devo Explained
A book review in the Oct. 24, 2005 issue of the New Yorker by H. Allen Orr explains a bit about “evo devo” (evolutionary developmental biology), and finally clarifies for me what “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” means. Last things first: the...

