

For when you've had enough of journal articles:

Mentally ill and a successful career.

Science meets meditation on ABC Radio's All in the Mind (MP3 audio file).

Tips on how to hone your mental ability.

Learn brain anatomy.

The life of a human calculator.

Landau-Kleffner syndrome: The rare brain disorder that robs children of language and leaves doctors perplexed.

The rise of cognitive-enhancing drugs.

BBC Radio 4's All in the Mind returned to the airwaves last week with an opening episode on concerns about taser guns and the mentally ill; the European Psychoanalytic Film Festival; and a tribute to pop psychiatrist Sir Anthony Clare who died recently.

Ten "brilliant social psychology studies".

The latest 'science extra' issue of the Guardian Science Podcast features prolific science writer Philip Ball talking about social physics. (MP3 audio file)

- Feast
Our round-up of the latest psychology links from around the web: Tips from psychologists on how to maintain focus at work (New York Times). Don't worry, reading the Digest blog definitely counts as work. Facebook users average just 3.74 degrees of...

- Elsewhere
Psychology-related radio clips, podcasts, magazine features and more, for when you've had enough of journal articles. Richard Wiseman and the Daily Telegraph seek your help to find out how much information we really do garner from first impressions....

- Elsewhere
For when you've had enough of journal articles: Stuart Baker-Brown, a photographer and writer, discusses his life with schizophrenia. Amazing visual illusion (the image is not animated). Former anorexia sufferer Grace Bowman describes her experience...

- Elsewhere
For when you've had enough of journal articles: A look at the social forces causing obesity. Would you opt for a brain chip that could boost your mental powers, even if there was a chance it could backfire and leave you impaired? Is anorexia the female...

- Podcast: The Guardian's Science Weekly: "the Inscrutable Brain"
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a segment called The Inscrutable Brain. [snippet] "On this week's show Alok Jha meets science writer Bryan Appleyard to discuss his new book The Brain is Wider than the Sky: Why Simple...

