For when you've had enough of journal articles:
Laughter and humour are explored in an exhibition at London's Hayward Gallery: Laughing in a Foreign Language.
"Women are better long-term planners..." The BBC explains why businesses need female managers.
"The brain makes a million connections every second for the whole of our lifetime..." Prof Colin Blakemore argues in the Independent that the brain is an organ so complex we may never understand it.
Behavioural economist Tim Harford appeared on the latest edition of BBC Radio 4's Start the Week, claiming that rational, incentive-driven decision making permeates every aspect of our lives.
The latest issue of Scientific American has free articles on the neuroscience of kissing, and the evolutionary psychology of corporate environments.
Tuck into our latest round-up of the best psych and neuro links. New brains exhibition (free entry) at London's Wellcome Collection "Brains: The Mind as Matter" has now opened. Includes samples from Albert Einstein's brain. There's a new pictorial...
Our round-up of the latest juicy tit-bits from the world of psychology: The problem with twin studies (via @mrianleslie). A tendentious view from Slate magazine. For an alternative view, check out the Digest's own guest post on "Why...
Nudging People Towards The Right Decisions
Time magazine has a review of a new book from the behavioural economist Richard Thaler and his colleague, the legal scholar Cass Sunstein, called Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness. This is the latest in a spate of books which...
For when you've had enough of journal articles: A new series is starting this evening on BBC Radio 4, entitled Am I normal? The series asks how professionals draw the line between someone who is OK and someone who isn't? The first episode tackles...
Bbc Radio 4 Brain Series
A press release from the BBC: Radio 4 presents season of programmes on the brain Date: 30.09.2011 Category: Radio 4 Starting on 7 November, BBC Radio 4 presents a new season of programmes about the brain. The season includes: a major 10-part series about...