Drug advertising opposed
A Health Council Canada report called
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs in Canada: What are the Public Health Implications? details research on pharmamarketing and its impact on health care.
In Canada only two forms of advertising are permitted, through a loophole: educational or "help-seeking" ads, and simple logo branding in "reminder" ads. Even that, concludes UBC's Barbara Mintzes, should be curtailed and instead "Canadians need independent, publicly financed information and education on drugs and other treatments."
Bob Nakagawa of the Health Council says drug advertising can cause "avoidable harm by stimulating unnecessary and inappropriate medicine use while often failing to provide balanced appraisals of the medicine's value," which influenced the Council's position in their recent recommendations.
No official response yet from the new government.
Vintage Pharmaceutical Ads
NOTE: After composing this post yesterday I discovered Vaughan at Mind Hacks wrote about the very same thing five days before, independently. It's great that Vaughan and I share some interests and an instinct for news; he's an excellent writer...
I Just Can't Get Enough, I Just Can't Get It Up
No, this entry is not an announcement that David Gahan uses Viagra, but a pointer to a series of articles in PLoS Medicine on the phenomenon of "disease mongering." Some of the diseases mongered include ADHD, bipolar disorder, erectile dysfunction, and...
Election Day In Canada
Today is election day in Canada. Vote! Here is a discussion of one of the health care issues in Canada: a shortage in the number of physicians: From The CBC: Why MDs are scarce and what can be done about it Read the article...
Upcoming Event: Univ. Of Minnesota, 08 February 2008
2008 Center for Bioethics Seminar Series “Ethics and Public Health Emergencies: How Should We Prepare for Pandemic Flu?” Friday, February 8, 2008 12:15–1:30 pm, 3-100 Mayo, University of Minnesota Campus Presented by Debra DeBruin, PhD Director...
The Cost Of Neurological Diseases, Disorders, And Injuries
From the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Neurological conditions cost Canada nearly $9B a year: report Last Updated: Friday, June 22, 2007 | 5:02 PM ET CBC News Neurological conditions such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease cost Canada nearly...