Did God Do It?

Did God Do It?

Two recent articles about intelligent design have got me thinking that maybe God did do it... No, not really. But they provide interesting perspectives on the debate between the intelligent design-ists and the evolutionists.

The July 2, 2005 issue of New Scientist is devoted to the issue of Creationism. It's worth looking at the print copy, because there is a great chart depicting where controversy has erupted in the US. Also because you can't read the articles for free online. But if you want to take a look at the titles & abstracts, see this lead article called "Creationism special: A sceptic's guide to intelligent design."

And in its May 30 issue, the New Yorker (yes, the New Yorker) ran an article in their Annals of Science department called "MASTER PLANNED / Why intelligent design isn’t," by H. ALLEN ORR.

- Thoughts Of Death Increase The Appeal Of Intelligent Design
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- How We Misunderstand Evolution
Everyone thinks they understand natural selection, but very few do, Richard Dawkins surmised in his 1987 book The Blind Watchmaker. “It is almost as if the human brain were specifically designed to misunderstand Darwinism”, he wrote. Indeed, in a...

- Library Journal On L!brary 2.0
Two good articles in the Oct. 15, 2006 issue of netConnect, Library Journal's quarterly technology supplement. 1. Design Speaks by Dorothea Salo. "These are the messages conveyed by the design of most library services and buildings: 'We are not...

- Science & Consciousness Review Online
Articles and other information about science and consciousness at the online SCR. They review articles about science and/or consciousness, including abstracts and links to the full-text of the article in its native format (i.e. ScienceDirect or Nature...

- Intelligent Design -- Computationally
My former colleague Lee Spector wrote a terrific op-ed piece arguing against Intelligent Design in the August 29 issue of the Boston Globe. (free registration required to read the article). Lee is into evolutionary computation, and he creates computer...

