Connectomics Segmentation & Circuit Reconstruction Challenge
from :
The Challenge:Download the images at which are SBF-SEM images from mouse hippocampus, and try your best algorithms and software for segmentation and circuit reconstruction. These are important problems to solve because much larger datasets of this type will soon be available as part of the connectomics initiative to map entire brains at synapse resolution.
More Mindreading
No, not really. Mind reading software cannot record your dreams: 'Mind-reading' software could record your dreams18:05 12 December 2008 by Celeste BieverPictures you are observing can now be recreated with software that uses nothing but scans...
Synapse Resolution Whole-brain Atlases
It is well-known that the highest resolution whole brain atlases are currently at, which has been compared to a Google Maps for the brain. However, these atlases are 0.46 microns per pixel, and are not sufficient to discern individual synapses,...
Open Challenge To Microsoft, Google, And Yahoo! Developers
Ok, geospatial mapping services are great and all, but come on, mapping the brain is far more interesting and needed. So I offer an open challenge to Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo! developers who are involved with these AJAX and Flash-related mapping technologies...
Collaborative Digital Brain Mapping Comes Of Age
Google Maps and related geomapping services provide high-resolution satellite maps to anyone with an internet connection and have set the standard for online digital mapping. We are now beginning to witness similar digital mapping technologies spilling...
- Featured On The Cover Of Neuroimage
- Shawn Mikula was featured on the March 15, 2007, cover of NeuroImage for the article entitled, "Internet-Enabled High-Resolution Brain Mapping and Virtual Microscopy". This is only the beginning. is far more than a cool...