Congratulations to the Summer 2011 Young Scholars of Social Psychology

Congratulations to the Summer 2011 Young Scholars of Social Psychology

The University of Maryland
Young Scholars - Social Psychology 2011
Congratulations to the Summer 2011 Young Scholars of Social Psychology (PSYC 221)!  Highschool students from all over the country (as far away as Alaska) came to the University of Maryland and completed a 3-credit university course in three weeks with Dr. Scott Roberts, a graduate of the Department's doctoral program and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.  Three weeks is a very intense pace, especially considering the amount of nightly work associated with this particular class.  Nonetheless, the group did an amazing job at tackling some pretty challenging learning objectives, earning a class average grade of 88%... quite impressive!

Best of luck to all the Young Scholars, and we hope to see you on campus again!

For more information on the Young Scholars program, visit:

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