Coming very soon...
To celebrate three years since its launch as an email newsletter (the blog came later), the BPS Research Digest will soon bring you a showcase of psychological science, as some of the world's best psychology bloggers discuss their favourite psychology studies from the last three years.
Among the attendees at this banquet of the mind will be Mind Hacks, the Relaxed Therapist, Cognitive Daily, the Staff Psychologist and several more...
Gate crashers welcome.
The Bloggers Behind The Blogs
Blogging has emerged as a powerful medium in recent years and nowhere is this more evident than in psychology and neuroscience. But who are the people behind these increasingly influential blogs? What are their motives and what advice do they have for...
Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Wray Herbert
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Last up, Wray Herbert of We're Only Human, Full Frontal Psychology and the Huffington Post. How did you become a psychology/neuroscience...
The Best Psychology Article From The Last 3 Years?
To mark three years since the birth of the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest as a free email newsletter, I’ve asked some of the world’s best psychology bloggers to discuss a psychology journal article from the last three years which...
"the Secrets Of Hypnosis"?
Steal Mind Hacks Content! That's in reference to a blog that has ripped off the entire RSS feed of Mind Hacks to try to sell their book and audio transcripts. EDIT: as suggested by a commenter, the link to said blog was moved from "blog" to "ripped...
Neuroscience-of-orgasm Studies And The Secret Life Of The Brain; Dementia, Too
The Mind Hacks blog crew posted two posts today that provide links to an Australian radio show’s detailed look at recent neuroscientific studies of orgasm and to content and visual segments from the PBS series The Secret Life of the Brain which aired...