Building the Cortex in Silicon

Building the Cortex in Silicon

Technology Review: Building the Cortex in Silicon: "An ambitious project to model the cerebral cortex in silicon is under way at Stanford. The man-made brain could help scientists understand how the most recently evolved part of our brain performs its complex computational feats, allowing us to understand language, recognize faces, and schedule the day. It could also lead to new neural prosthetics."

- Elsewhere
For when you've had your fill of journal articles... Free access: The last two issues of Wellcome Science mag are packed with psychology, including articles on altruism; the brain and music; and hearing and language in babies. The increasingly bizarre...

- Frontopolar Cortex Moves To The Back Of The Brain
from Christoff & Gabrieli 2000 In case you missed this announcement, as I did, New Scientist has now declared that frontopolar cortex is in the back of the brain: In addition, unlike in humans, the researchers also found spindle cells in the frontopolar...

- Patient H.m.: A Follow-up Interview
Building a Search Engine of the Brain, Slice by Slice By BENEDICT CAREY The New York Times Published: December 22, 2009 "The dissection of the brain of H. M., an amnesiac, has opened the door to a much more ambitious project." Read the full article...

- Sarcasm And The Brain: Look At The Right Prefrontal Cortex
From The APA Monitor:It's no joke: Study identifies brain circuitry involved in our grasp of sarcasm The APA Monitor May 2005 Print version: page 13 A study in May's Neuropsychology (Vol. 19, No. 2) finds the right prefrontal cortex--a brain...

- Cognition In Babies
Newsweek's cover story for Aug 15 is all about "Your Baby's Brain". Reads like a literature review lite on cognition in babies -- fascinating, and simple enough for non-scientists to understand. That's the way I like my cognitive science!...

