BSCI 105 for PSYC Majors - Drugs, Addictions, & Cell Membranes

BSCI 105 for PSYC Majors - Drugs, Addictions, & Cell Membranes

To support our students in BSIC 105 the Department has developed a series 5-10-minute supplemental videos exploring some of the topics you learn in BSCI 105 and how they are related to familiar (and interesting) psychological phenomena.

In this module we take a look at how drugs affect the body and how addictions develop  by exploring the structure and functions of the cell membrane.

Watch Drugs, Addictions, & Cell Membranes
Download the script
See quiz questions and answers

Textbook Chapters* to Refer to:

Ch. 2: The Chemical Context of Life
Ch. 7: Membrane Structure and Function


*Reece, J.B., Urry, LA., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V., Jackson, R.B. (2011). Campbell Biology (9th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

Goodenough, J.G., Wallace, R.A., McGuire B. (1998). Human Biology. Barrosse, E. (Ed.). Orlando, FL: Saunders College Publishing.

Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2007). Abnormal Psychology (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

  • NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse Statistics (
  • NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment Statistics (
  • NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse – The Science of Abuse & Addiction (
  • DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency Statistics (

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