Brain Awareness Week (BAW, #BrainWeek)
From the Dana Foundation Blog:
Gearing Up for Brain Awareness Week20 January 2012
"Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is less than two months away (March 12–18) and here at the Dana Foundation we are excited...Remember, the Dana Foundation and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (DABI) are here to help. If you register your organization with DABI and become a BAW partner at, you’ll get access to free BAW materials. Each year hundreds of BAW partners from Texas to Morocco register events with DABI and receive fun and valuable materials and resources for free."
Read the full blog entry
Hashtag it at #BrainWeek
Brain Awareness Week Is Here!
Visit the Brain Awareness Week homepage at the Dana Foundation!...
Social Media As Science Facilitator
A good read from the Dana Foundation Blog: Social Media as Science Facilitator Dana Foundation Blog 17 February 2012 Social media creates a new culture surrounding science. Read the blog post...
Upcoming Event: Brain Awareness Week (14-20 March 2011)
Brain Awareness Week is coming up quickly. Here is the Dana Foundation's website for the event: Brain Awareness Week. From the website:"Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness about the progress and benefits...
This Week Is Brain Awareness Week!
Visit The Dana Foundation's website: Brain Awareness Week...
Slinkster Time For The Brain!
If it's March, then it's time for Brain Awareness Week - a creation of the Dana Foundation a number of years ago. Brain Awareness Week website. If you work in neuroscience (broadly defined), do something this week to make the general public more...