Autism, Asperger's, and the DSM by Simon Baron-Cohen
The Short Life of a DiagnosisBy SIMON BARON-COHEN, Op-Ed Contributor
The New Yotk TimesPublished: November 10, 2009
"Asperger syndrome and autism should be thoroughly tested before being lumped together in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders."
Read the Op-Ed piece
Simon Baron-cohen: Inter-generational Patterns Of Abuse
Imagine you’re in a shopping mall car park when you witness a woman scream at her child “I hate you! You’re an evil bastard! I’m leaving! You can look after yourself! I’m done looking after you! Good riddance. You don’t deserve a mother! I’ll...
For when you've had enough of journal articles: Simon Baron-Cohen argues autism may be on the rise because people with autistic-like traits tend to mate with partners who also have such traits. One way of solving the cocktail party problem. Can fish...
He Thought, She Thought She'd Backpedal
A short interview with Dr. Louann Brizendine in today's New York Times Magazine. He Thought, She Thought By DEBORAH SOLOMON Published: December 10, 2006 . . . [skipping the part about oxytocin and dopamine in sixth grade girls...] Your book cites...
Oxytocin And Mind Reading...
Mind Reading & Telepathy Experiment in process... ...or, I Can See It In Your Eyes. No, not that kind of "mind reading," but the ability to decode another person's mental state, also called theory of mind. In a study by Domes and colleagues (2006),...
Reading Fiction Improves Empathy
Stephen Abram pointed out a fascinating article from the (Toronto) Globe and Mail, citing some research which shows that folks who read fiction have "exceptionally strong" social skills. The Globe and Mail interview Keith Oatley about his research, and...