Apply for this Scholarship Opportunity!
Rodler-Wood Scholarship DescriptionFull-time undergraduate or graduate students returning in Fall 2014 are eligible to apply for this $1000 award. The award will be made on the basis of one or more of the following criteria:
Qualifications- Demonstrated financial need
- Hardship based on sexual orientation or gender identity
- Academic interest in LGBT Studies
- Extracurricular activities on behalf of LGBT issues
How to Apply:
Applicants should submit
- A brief written statement outlining their qualifications and interests
- An unofficial transcript
- One letter of recommendation.
Materials can be sent by e-mail attachment (Word or PDF only) by
April 28, 2014 to
[email protected]. Please put "Rodler-Wood Scholarship" in the subject line of your message. Also hard copies of materials can be submitted to the LGBT Studies Program, 2417 Marie Mount Hall, attn. JV Sapinoso.
Lgbt Equity Scholarship! Application Deadline July 1!
LGBT Equity Scholarship Deadline: July 1, 2016 The LGBT Equity Scholarship is financed by the LGBT Scholarship Fund. For 2016, there will be two $1,500 awards. Recipients must be full-time students at the University of Maryland, College Park, who...
Lgbt Equity Center Open House! This Thursday, February 4th!
LGBT Equity Center Open House Thursday, February 4 4:00-6:30 pm 2218 Marie Mount Hall Learn about the LGBT Equity Center's programs, services, and resources! Don't miss our Open House on Thursday, February 4th @ 4:00 pm in 2218...
Apply For A Bsos Scholarship! January 29th Deadline Rapidly Approaching!
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers several scholarships to current students, ranging from $500-$1500 per award. Each scholarship has individual eligibility criteria. Applications are due on January 29, 2016. Scholarship awards are for...
Not Sure You Can Afford A Graduate Degree? Apply For A Beinecke Program Scholarship!
NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS OFFICE – 2403 Marie Mount Hall – Beinecke Scholarship for Graduate Studies in the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences – Francis DuVinage, Director – Leslie Brice, Coordinator – The Beinecke...
Your Future Might Include A Bsos Scholarship. Apply Today!
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers several student scholarships. Each scholarship has individual eligibility criteria. Scholarship awards are granted one time for the Fall 2012 semester. BSOS SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Scholarship...