Apply for an Internship with the Joint Program in Survey Methodology!

Apply for an Internship with the Joint Program in Survey Methodology!

The Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) at the University of Maryland is pleased to offer a 10 week summer internship to rising juniors and seniors with an interest in survey methodology and the Federal Statistical System (

JPSM is a federally sponsored consortium of two universities and a private research firm that provides graduate level training in survey methodology. Located at the University of Maryland College Park campus, JPSM offers Masters’ and PhD degrees in the study of survey methods.

Each summer JPSM sponsors a Junior Fellows Program for a limited number of undergraduate students. Successful applicants are granted paid research assistantships in a Federal statistical agency in the Washington, DC area. They participate in weekly seminars at JPSM and elsewhere in the area on survey methodology and career options in survey research. Throughout the summer, students learn about surveys, statistics, graduate studies, and how government agencies work. While meeting other students from across the country and the JPSM faculty.

For the full flyer and information on how to apply to the JPSM, click here:

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