Apple Advertises the Brain (continued)
Mind Hacks provides an interesting commentary about this Apple article (see yesterday's post of the same title).
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain
Welcome Mind Hacks Visitors
Thank you, Mind Hacks, for listing this blog as among the set of essential websites for students. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain...
Mind Hacks continues its good work of updating readers about its favorite radio show, Australia's All in the Mind. This week, it blogs that the show was about the fascinating topic of confabulation. Their report includes links to the audiostream and...
Scientific American's Science & Technology Web Awards 2005
Congratulations to blogs The Loom by Carl Zimmer and Mind Hacks by Tom Stafford, Matt Webb, and Vaughan Bell and Harvard's website The Whole Brain Atlas for being three neuroscience-related sites among 25 scientific sites chosen for recognition by...
Portable, Wireless Brain Scanner
Smart Mobs points to a BBC report from yesterday about a Bluetooth-enabled portable brain scanner under development for use in acute stroke situations. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain...
Neuroscience-of-orgasm Studies And The Secret Life Of The Brain; Dementia, Too
The Mind Hacks blog crew posted two posts today that provide links to an Australian radio show’s detailed look at recent neuroscientific studies of orgasm and to content and visual segments from the PBS series The Secret Life of the Brain which aired...