Alzheimer Disease: A Care Project
The Times (UK):
Fighting Alzheimer's with a touch of beautyA pioneering care project demonstates how literature, music, art and love can improve the lives of dementia sufferers28 February 2010
The TimesMargarette Driscoll
"In other words, people who appear to be lost to the world can still be reached through art, literature and music — and love. At Hearthstone, a group of seven homes looking after some 220 people with Alzheimer’s that Zeisel had helped to found in Massachusetts, residents are encouraged to paint and are taken on regular outings to galleries. They have reading circles and a film club.
“The development of new drugs to treat Alzheimer’s is helping people live a little bit longer,” says Zeisel. “What we’re asking ourselves is, how do we make that life worth living?”"
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