A Little Neuropsych History: Paul Satz, Ph.D.
Here is a webpage from the University of Florida (click here) that will be of interest to neuropsychologists, if only because it includes some cool photographs (as a profession, neuropsychology seems to be on the slim side when it comes to available photographs of persons and places). Enjoy graduate school and early-career pictures and stories of some fine neuropsychologists!
And, as an added treat, some additional photographs (click here) of a fine neuropsychologist and his friends and colleagues, posted online by one of them.
Should The Media Publish Images Of Terror Hostages?
By publishing harrowing images of kidnapped hostages, media organisations could be inadvertently helping terrorists, psychologists have warned. Aarti Iyer and Julian Oldmeadow at Exeter University presented 26 men and 34 women with a description of Ken...
Mental Time Travel
Remembering is like a form of mental time travel – our brain reinstates the patterns of neural activity that existed at the time of the recalled experience. That’s the suggestion from a new brain imaging study that compared participants’ neural...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Sports-related Concussion
Role of Neuropsychologists in the Evaluation and Management of Sport-related Concussion: An Inter-Organization Position Statement Clin Neuropsychol. 2011 Nov; 25(8): 1289-1294 Echemendia RJ, Iverson GL, McCrea M, Broshek DK, Gioia GA, Sautter SW, Macciocchi...
Obit: Dr. Paul Satz
From UCLA: Obituary: Paul Satz Obituary: Paul Satz, 77, psychiatry professor, founder of UCLA neuropsychology program By Mark Wheeler June 25, 2010 UCLA Paul Satz, a UCLA professor emeritus of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences and the founder of the...
Upcoming Event: Princeton, 15 October 2005
On the 15th of October 2005, a meeting will be held on the campus of Princeton University: Cognitive Neuroscience at Penn and Princeton: Graduate Student Symposium. Refer to the meeting webpage [click here] for additional information. - Anthony H. Risser...