30 Years of the NewsHour

30 Years of the NewsHour

Last Thursday, Oct. 20, Jim Lehrer and Robert MacNeil talked about 30 years of the NewsHour. It was a touching conversation between two friends; they talked about changes the News Hour had been through in the past 30 years. Interesting look into a good TV news show. The PBS NewsHour 30th anniversary site has lots of other information about the past 30 years of the NewsHour, which is worth a look.

(Link goes to a transcript of their conversation, but you can also listen to the NewsHour via podcast. Woo hoo).

- So-called "lizard Brains" And The Stock Market
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- Test To Assess Concussion
The NewsHour reported on Nov. 26, 2007 about a test that measures cognitive impairment after concussion, and is more accurate than the more common "how do you feel" assessments that are done before sending athletes back onto the field following concussion....

- Tidbits
Been remiss in posting lately, mostly because of teaching, work, and ... the article I'm writing for Library Journal on teaching part-time & working full-time. Yipes. Anyway, here are some podcasts I plan to listen to this week: Malcolm Gladwell,...

- Wireless Philly & The Digital Divide
Philadelphia hopes to become the largest city with wifi available throughout the city. They're in negotiations with Earthlink to provide $10 to $20 per month broadband Internet access to all residents and tourists. The NewsHour reported last Tuesday...

- Linguistics On Pbs!
There's a PBS show tonight (Wed., Jan 5) called Do You Speak American? which is a 3-hour program about linguistic differences across the US, by Robert MacNeil. The PBS web site is chock full of good stuff, including transcripts of all three hours,...

