"Twitter for the Skeptical Professional" in MHC Alumnae Quarterly
Love the image of MHC Founder Mary Lyon with the Twitter bird |
I recently wrote a fun article called Twitter for the Skeptical Professional for the Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Quarterly.
The article's audience is alumnae "over a certain age" (as I am myself, having graduated in the mid 1980s) who have heard about Twitter but think it's silly or not relevant to them.
I talk about how I use Twitter at work (to promote the library) and for fun (to connect with science peeps). I hope it's helped persuade some of my skeptical sisters to give Twitter a try; if you or someone you know is similarly skeptical, feel free to share this article with them.
"#hashtags In The Academy" At #scio13 On Storify
@Lalsox and my session called #Hashtags in the academy: Engaging students with social media was a great success! We had lots of great conversation which generated some (unanswered) questions as well as some terrific ideas about using social...
Twitter & The Library Of Congress
You may have seen that the Library of Congress will be archiving Tweets for the future. Here are my tweets on the topic, which should provide a brief summary of some useful articles:How Tweet It Is!: Library of Congress Acquires, Saves Entire Twitter...
Web 2.0 For My Friends Or, A Facebook Frenzy!
In thinking back over 2008, one of the best things about the year was the proliferation of friends, buddies, and acquaintances I met. For the most part, this meeting took place online, through various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and...
Social Networking Sites From Nasig
This list of social networking sites comes from an article I'm co-writing with David Lee King, based on the presentation he gave at NASIG 2008 on Emerging Trends, 2.0, & Libraries. David referred to lots of cool sites which highlighted his point...
The Inaugural 'name Our New Blog' Competition
We have recently accepted an offer to blog on Psychology Today, where we will have an opportunity to talk to a wider popular science audience about the various crazy things we think psychology should be up to. We're very excited by the opportunity;...