"Science Fiction, Science Fantasy"

"Science Fiction, Science Fantasy"

Dr. Geoffry Aguirre of the University of Pennsylvania can has cortex?

Of all places, the FaithWorld blog at Reuters has some excellent coverage of the ongoing Penn Neuroscience Boot Camp,
An intensive summer institute for non-neuroscientists seeking a better understanding of the science behind the proliferation of new “neurofields” including neuroethics.
The post begins with "god spot? no there's not" researcher Dr. Andrew Newberg, who has done neuroimaing studies of glossolalia (or speaking in tongues) and meditative prayer.

SPECTacular Glossolalia (Newberg et al., 2006)

The figure above illustrates the singing state (control condition) in (a) and the glossolalia state in (b). The authors say there is decreased regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) bilaterally in the frontal lobes and unilaterally in the left caudate during glossolalia, so we'll just have to take their word for it. BUT:
Our results were hypothesis driven so comparisons were only tested for the major structures of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes, as well as the amygdala, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus, and thus a correction for multiple comparisons was not performed.

[I don't think that having a hypothesis exonerates one from correcting for multiple comparisons.]

So should we be skeptical of these pretty pictures? Yes! The press routinely portrays fMRI as capable of mind reading, for example, and lie detection. However, Aguirre (an expert in fMRI methodology) says this is “science fiction, science fantasy.” What are his reasons for skepticism? FaithWorld outlines them in Beware brain scientists bearing gifts (gee-whiz journalists too…):

It's very easy to fall for the The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Explanations, so keep your critical faculties intact.


Newberg AB, Wintering NA, Morgan D, Waldman MR (2006). The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during glossolalia: A preliminary SPECT study. Psychiatry Res. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 148:67-71.

Weisberg DS, Keil FC, Goodstein J, Rawson E, Gray JR. (2008). The seductive allure of neuroscience explanations. J Cog Neurosci. 20:470-7.

Explanations of psychological phenomena seem to generate more public interest when they contain neuroscientific information. Even irrelevant neuroscience information in an explanation of a psychological phenomenon may interfere with people's abilities to critically consider the underlying logic of this explanation. We tested this hypothesis by giving naïve adults, students in a neuroscience course, and neuroscience experts brief descriptions of psychological phenomena followed by one of four types of explanation, according to a 2 (good explanation vs. bad explanation) x 2 (without neuroscience vs. with neuroscience) design. Crucially, the neuroscience information was irrelevant to the logic of the explanation, as confirmed by the expert subjects. Subjects in all three groups judged good explanations as more satisfying than bad ones. But subjects in the two nonexpert groups additionally judged that explanations with logically irrelevant neuroscience information were more satisfying than explanations without. The neuroscience information had a particularly striking effect on nonexperts' judgments of bad explanations, masking otherwise salient problems in these explanations.

via @lawneuro

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