""Concussion' Lies" - From Slate
A good read from
Slate about the movie, "Concussion":
Concussion Lies
by Daniel Engber
21 December 2015
Concussion Lies (link)
Don't mistake drama for truth, fiction for fact, excellent acting for documentary accuracy.
And, in the bigger picture, the loudness of an argument for the sound scientific basis of that argument.
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Sports-related Concussion
Role of Neuropsychologists in the Evaluation and Management of Sport-related Concussion: An Inter-Organization Position Statement Clin Neuropsychol. 2011 Nov; 25(8): 1289-1294 Echemendia RJ, Iverson GL, McCrea M, Broshek DK, Gioia GA, Sautter SW, Macciocchi...
American Football And "the Concussion Crisis"
From The New Yorker: Does Football Have a Future? The N.F.L. and the concussion crisis by Ben McGrath The New Yorker 31 January 2011 Read the full piece...
Concussion Took Kit For High School Coaches
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has put together a "tool kit" of material and resources for high school coaches called Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports, which is accessible at this link on the CDC website. The material includes content...
Concussion Data, Articles, & More
Now that it's football season (Go Giants!), it's also time to rethink concussions in the sport. There have been some good articles lately, such as Melissa Segura's heartbreaking story about three girlfriends/wives of retired NFL players....
Penn Research Offers Hope Of Finding Concussion Marker
Robert Siman, PhDA new study from Penn Medicine neuroscientists found that a blood protein called SNTF has promise as a biomarker for sports-related concussion, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. Led by Robert Siman, PhD, an associate professor of Neurosurgery,...